

關於i郵箱a 關於i郵箱b 關於i郵箱c 關於i郵箱d


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i郵箱寄件 Send a parcel at iBox. 窗口寄件至i郵箱 (含代收貨款郵件) Shipping from a post office to iBox.
(Including COD shipments)
i郵箱取件 Pick up a parcel at iBox.
i郵箱寄件 Send a parcel at iBox.

Please remember to bring your cell phone to complete the shipping process!

一. 進入郵寄便網站建立託運單Log in to EZPost to create a shipping label.

  • 登入會員Log in to EZPost
  • 建立i郵箱託運單 ( 填妥收/寄件人郵件資訊 )Create a shipping label ( Fill out shipping info )

二. 至附近i郵箱寄件Complete your shipment at any nearby iBox.

  • i郵箱上選擇「交寄郵件」Tap "Sending a parcel" on the display screen.
  • 登入郵寄便查詢歷史郵件,取得並掃描郵件QR Code。Log in to EZPost to scan the QR Code of shipping label from Shipment History.
  • 列印託運單並貼妥於郵件上Print and attach the shipping label to the parcel.
  • 掃描郵件條碼/選擇合適儲格Scan the shipping label barcode/Choose a proper sized locker.

三. 選擇郵資支付方式Choose a (postage) payment method.

  • 儲值卡/ 行動支付/ 郵政金融卡Pay by Debit Card/ Mobile Payment/ Stored Value Card.

四. 完成寄件Complete the shipment.

  • 置入郵件並關上儲格門Place the parcel then close the locker door.
  • 妥存執據Keep the receipt.
  • 選印購票證明Print out a proof of payment, if needed.

一. 至附近i郵箱寄件Complete your shipment at any nearby iBox.

  • i郵箱上先點選「箱到箱寄件」,再選擇「現場箱到箱」Tap "iBox to iBox" on the display screen and then select "Walk-in Service".
  • 在螢幕上選擇收件人的i郵箱位置,並輸入寄/收件人手機號碼。Select the recipient’s iBox location, and then enter the sender and recipient’s cell phone numbers on the display screen.
  • 列印託運單並貼妥於郵件上。Print and attach the shipping label to the parcel.

二. 選擇郵資支付方式Choose a (postage) payment method.

  • 儲值卡/ 行動支付/ 郵政金融卡Pay by Debit Card/ Mobile Payment/ Stored Value Card.

三. 完成寄件Complete the shipment.

  • 置入郵件並關上儲格門Place the parcel then close the locker door.
  • 妥存執據Keep the receipt.
  • 選印購票證明Print out a proof of payment, if needed.
窗口寄件至i郵箱 (含代收貨款郵件) Shipping from a post office to iBox.(Including COD shipments)

一. 適用郵件種類Applicable services.

  • 限掛函件Prompt Registered Mail
  • 國內包裹Domestic Parcels
  • 國內快捷Domestic Speedpost Items ( or Priority )
  • 便利包Packets

二. 填妥託運單(收/寄件人郵件資訊)Fill out shipping Info.

  • 收件地址為「i郵箱名稱」Assign an iBox location as the recipient’s address.
  • 收件人電話為「手機號碼」Recipient’s phone number must be a cell phone number.

三. 郵局窗口寄件Drop off your parcel at a post office.

  • 小提醒
  • 如交寄需要向收件人收取貨款 ( NT6,000元以下 ) 之代收貨款郵件至i郵箱取件,請填妥「代收貨款託運單」。
  • Reminder
  • COD shipments’ collected amount must not exceed NT$6,000.Please fill out a "Collect-on-delivery shipping label" for all COD shipments.
i郵箱取件 Pick up a parcel at iBox.

一. 收件人收到取件簡訊The recipient receives text message containing pick-up information.

二. 到取件i郵箱點按「領取郵件」Select “Pick up a parcel” at iBox.

三. 輸入手機末3碼及取件碼(6碼)Enter the last three digits of recipient’s cellphone number and the given pick-up code.

四. 開啟i郵箱取件並關閉儲格門Pick up the parcel and close the locker door.

一. 收件人收到取件簡訊The recipient receives text message containing pick-up information.

二. 到取件i郵箱點按「領取郵件」Select “Pick up a parcel” at iBox.

三. 輸入手機末3碼及取件碼(6碼)Enter the last three digits of recipient’s cellphone number and the given pick-up code.

四. 選擇支付貨款方式Choose a payment method.

  • 郵政金融卡Postal Debit Card
  • 台灣Pay ( 掃碼付 )Taiwan Pay ( QR Code )

五. 付款完成Payment Completed.

  • 郵政金融卡:取回卡片及執據 Retrieve the Postal Debit Card and get the receipt.
  • 台灣Pay:無列印執據,可至APP查詢轉帳資訊No receipts for payments completed via Taiwan Pay.You may check the payment details on Taiwan Pay APP.

六. 開啟i郵箱取件並關閉儲格門Pick up the parcel and close the locker door.


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